HC Deb 20 July 1860 vol 159 c2227

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, what number of Rifled Muskets have been manufactured at the Government Establishment at Enfield during the twelve months ending the 30th of June last, and at what rate the manufacture is now proceeding; and what number of Rifled Muskets have been received from Contractors during the same period, and what number the Government are still liable to receive under Contract?


Sir, the number of rifles made at Enfield during the year ending the 30th of June was 90,707, which is at the weekly average of 1,744. But they are now making at a higher weekly average — namely, 1,900, rising to 2,000 as the new machinery erected comes into operation. We have received 30,416 rifled muskets from contractors, and the Government are still liable to receive under contract 99,626.