HC Deb 21 February 1859 vol 152 c605

said, he wished to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether anything decisive has been determined upon in reference to the vacant site of the late Smithfield Market; if not, when it is likely that a decision will be arrived at by Her Majesty's Government.


said, from the correspondence that had taken place in reference to this subject, it appeared that according to the opinions of the Law Officers of the Crown, both of the present and the late Government, there was a great doubt as to whether the site of the late Smithfield Market reverted to the Crown, instead of being any longer the property of the City. A very able Report had been drawn up in reference to the sanitary state uses which might be made of the site, and in reference to the mode in which that part of the metropolis might be treated. That Report was sent to the City at the end of last year, and a correspondence took place in relation to it. The whole of that Report, and the matter referred to in it, was referred to the Market Improvement Committee.