HC Deb 27 July 1858 vol 151 cc2190-1

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to take advantage of any vacancies occurring in the Sheriffships in Scotland to effect the full accomplishment of the object of the Act 16 & 17 Vict., c. 92, for diminishing the number of Sheriffs in Scotland, by transferring any of the Sheriffs of the Counties to be united into one Sheriffdom to such other Sheriffdoms as may become vacant by death or promotions, and thus save to the Public Revenue the Salaries payable to the former, as was contemplated at the passing of the Act 16 & 17 Vict, c. 80, by which the Salaries of all the Sheriffs in Scotland were increased?


Sir, I am not aware that any such expectation has been held out as has been referred to in the question of the hon. Gentleman. The Act of Parliament is quite clear, its provision being that with reference to fourteen Sheriffdoms held by fourteen different Sheriffs, whenever a vacancy occurs in one, the holder of the office in another should take the duties on himself, so that the number of Sheriffs may be gradually reduced from fourteen to seven in the smaller Counties in Scotland. Some vacancies in the smaller Counties have occurred since the passing of the Act, and in six out of the fourteen smaller Counties one Sheriff is discharging the duties of two Counties, which makes a reduction of three out of the fourteen Sheriffdoms. The question which I suppose the hon. Baronet wishes to put is, whether if a vacancy occurs in one of the larger Counties, the Sheriff of one of the smaller ones shall be put into the office, so as to enable that small County to be united to others, with a view to the diminution of the number? In any case where a Sheriff Of a small County is of such known ability as to render it advisable to promote him to a larger one, that course may be taken; but I could not advise the Crown not to select the best man to appoint to the larger County merely to facilitate the reduction of the number of Sheriffs in the smaller Counties.