HC Deb 26 February 1858 vol 149 c4

said, that in moving that the House at its rising do adjourn until Monday, he thought it would he for the convenience of the Members if he were to state the course which it would be, he thought, convenient to adopt. It was at the desire of the noble Earl now at the head of the Government that Parliament should reassemble as speedily as possible for the despatch of public business; and, therefore, for the information of hon. Members, he (Sir W. Jolliffe) wished to state that the House would meet on Monday next for the purpose of his moving for such now writs as appointments to offices not yet filled up might render necessary. He should then ask the House to adjourn from Monday next until Friday week, the 12th of March; according to former precedents that being the earliest period at which it could reasonably be expected the new ministers could be in their places to proceed with the public business. The hon. Baronet concluded by moving that the House at its rising do adjourn until Monday next.

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