§ Mr. COXsaid, he would beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works what steps, if any, have been taken by the Metropolitan Board of Works towards the formation of Finsbury Park. An Act of Parliament was passed last year authorizing the formation of a park, but nothing appeared to have been done, and, as the Board of Works had been originally opposed to the scheme, the inhabitants of Finsbury were apprehensive lest the Act should be allowed to remain a dead letter. It was true that money had been for a time difficult to raise, but it was plentiful and cheap at present, and it was desirable that the matter should be proceeded with at once, for the 250 acres which last year could have been bought for £150,000 were daily increasing in value. The noble Lord (Lord J. Manners) had been good enough to intimate that he would give an answer to this question when he replied to another which the noble Lord the Member for Haddingtonshire (Lord Elcho) was about to put to him.