§ SIR JOHN RAMSDENmoved the appointment of a Select Committee to prepare Estimates of the charge of the disembodied Militia, of Great Britain and Ireland for the year ending March 31, 1858.
§ COLONEL FRENCHwished to ask the hon. Baronet what arrangements had been made in the event of the militia not being called out during the present year, for paying the men that portion of the bounty which was due to them, and also how it was proposed to ascertain the strength of the militia regiments, the term having expired for which many of the men had taken service.
§ SIR JOHN RAMSDENsaid, that arrangements had been made by which the annual instalment of bounty would be paid to the men composing the various militia regiments, whether they were called out for training or not; but he could not at present inform the House what was the exact nature of those arrangements. With regard to the inspection of the militia, inspectors had been appointed, whose duty it would be to go to different places and inquire into the strength of the various regiments, and to report thereupon to the Government.
Motion agreed to.
Select Committee appointed,—"To prepare Estimates of the Charge of the Disembodied Militia of Great Britain and Ireland, for the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1858:"—Sir JOHN RAMSDEN, the JUDGE ADVOCATE, Mr. WALPOLE, Mr. ELLICE, Colonel NORTH, Colonel WILSON PATTEN, Colonel SMYTH, General PEEL, Colonel GILPIN, Mr. MASSEY, Mr. BRAND, Mr. CHICHESTER FORTESCUE, the Earl of MULGRAVE, and all Colonels of Militia:—Five to be the quorum.