HC Deb 21 August 1857 vol 147 cc1972-3

said, he had given notice of his intention to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether Her Majesty's Government are disposed to make provision for a retiring pension for Dr. Hind, late Bishop of Norwich, now that the retiring pension granted to the late Bishop Blomfield of £6,000 per annum has fallen in. He begged leave to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from a gentleman, connected, he presumed, with the See of London, kindly setting him right as to the fact that the pension of £6,000 per annum to the late Bishop Blomfield was provided out of the revenues of the See, and reverted therefore to the See, and not to the country or the Government. This disposed of that part of his question, and he would only beg the noble Lord therefore to favour the House with the intentions of Her Majesty's Government with regard to any provision for Dr. Hind.


said, the late Bishop of Norwich had resigned under circumstances peculiarly painful, but at the same time extremely honourable to himself. Finding himself, from physical infirmity, incapable of continuing adequately to discharge the duties of his sacred office, that right rev. Personage, although mentally he was fully competent, determined to resign his See. He did so, however, unconditionally, and without any stipulation for a retiring pension. It had been the intention of the Government to propose during the Session some general arrangement by which provision would be made for Bishops who, from infirmity or other causes, were incapable of continuing to discharge the duties of their office, but circumstances had prevented them from doing so. Next Session, however, he hoped to have the opportunity of introducing a measure on the subject. If Parliament should at any future time assent to any such measure it would of course take care that it should act retrospectively, and should apply to the case of the late Bishop of Norwich. At present, however, the Government had no fund from which it could make any provision for that right rev. Person.