HC Deb 04 July 1856 vol 143 c332

said, he wished to inquire what was the intention of the Government with regard to the professorship of military surgery in the University of Edinburgh? The office had become vacant upwards of six mouths ago, through the lamented death of Sir John Ballingall, and no steps had been taken as yet towards the appointment of a successor. The chair left vacant by the death of Sir William Hamilton, he understood, was to be filled up in about a fortnight. He would take that opportunity also of bearing testimony to the devoted heroism of Dr. Mackenzie, who perished in the Crimea after the battle of the Alma. He hoped the condition of the University of Edinburgh, justly prizing, as it did, its medical school, would be considered by the Government.


replied, that the chair of Military Surgery would be retained, and the authorities of the University had made provision for a course of lectures pending the appointment of a new professor.