HC Deb 25 May 1855 vol 138 c1187

asked the Secretary of the Treasury whether any arrangements will be made for the purpose of facilitating the obtaining of passports to Paris during the Exhibition?


said, the question of passports to Paris during the Exhibition, had been brought under the notice of the Treasury by the Foreign Office some few weeks ago, and an arrangement had been made whereby passports would be issued free to workmen and artisans of the United Kingdom, for the purpose of visiting Paris, and which would be good for one month from the time of their being issued. Arrangements had also been made for the purpose of enabling workmen to apply to the Foreign Office for their passports, and he believed they would require to have the recommendation of the mayors of the towns in which they lived, or, if they resided in London, the recommendation of the Lord Mayor or the Metropolitan Commissioner of Police. In country places, where there was no mayor, that authority would require to be given by the Superintendent Registrar of each district in England and Wales.

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