§ MR. OTWAYsaid, he wished to ask the hon. Under Secretary for War whether there was any agreement between Her Majesty's Government and the Porte, by which tier Majesty's Government undertook to provide food for the Turkish soldiers and forage for their cavalry in the Crimea; and if so, if any and what steps had been taken to ensure the delivery of hay sufficient for the large body of Turkish cavalry stationed in or about to be sent to the Crimea?
§ MR. FREDERICK PEELsaid, by the agreement with the Porte it was intended that there should be employed a Turkish extra force, a portion of which was to consist of cavalry, and the horses of that country would no doubt receive their forage from the British Government; but in the course of the last few months such large contracts had been entered into that he did not apprehend it would be necessary to make any special provision for the supply of the Turkish cavalry.