HC Deb 20 May 1853 vol 127 c438

said, he wished to ask the noble Lord (Lord J. Russell) whether Her Majesty's Ministers would allow the Vote in reference to the repairs of Maynooth College to remain in its present state, or whether they would bring in a Supplementary Vote for the purpose of carrying on those repairs? He would take that opportunity of also asking the noble Lord when it was the intention of the Government to bring in their Bill for the settlement of the question of Ministers' Money in Ireland?


said, that if he rightly understood the hon. Gentleman, bis first question was, whether the Government intended to propose a Supplementary Vote for the repairs of the College of Maynooth. He had only to answer that question by saying that the Government having introduced into the regular estimates a Vote for the repairs of the College of Maynooth, and that House having in a Committee of Supply refused to grant the sum necessary for those repairs, it was not the intention of the Government to propose any such Supplementary Vote. In reply to the second question of the hon. Gentleman, he had to state that the Government meant to introduce a Bill on the subject of Ministers' Money in Ireland; but he could not then say on what day they would be prepared to bring forward that measure.

Motion agreed to.

House at its rising to adjourn till Monday next.