HC Deb 27 May 1850 vol 111 cc425-6

(13.) 10,994l. for the Inspectors of Factories.


objected to the vote, upon the ground that these inspectors unnecessarily interfered with the owners of factories.


had a word to say with reference to these inspectors. He said it somehow happened that whenever a Home Secretary was appointed, a relative of his went down to inspect the factories of Lancashire. The inspectors were probably very respectable, but they knew little of factories, and though they might allow infringements of the law sometimes to go unpunished, yet, in other cases, their ignorance caused parties to be unnecessarily interfered with. He could furnish details of the blunders they had made, but he would forbear from troubling the Committee at that late hour. He thought men who understood their business should be appointed to the office, and that the relatives of Cabinet Ministers ought not to be selected.


said, that one vacancy had occurred since he had been Home Secretary, and that he had consolidated the offices rather than appoint a relative or any other person.

Vote agreed to, as were the following votes:

(14.) 1,610l. for the payment of certain Officers in Scotland.

(15.) 6,464l. for the expenses of the Household of the Lord Lieutenant in Ireland.