HC Deb 24 July 1850 vol 113 c206

Order for Second Reading read.

SIR B. HALL moved the Second Reading of this Bill.


said, he had no objection to the second reading, but hoped the Bill would then be postponed till next Session.


did not object to the principle of the Bill, but thought the method of fixing the salaries was not fair. At present, they were very different in different parts of the country, and, if commuted at their present rate, the same inequality would be continued. There were other points on which amendment was required; and be feared there would not be time fully to consider them this Session. At the same time he bad no objection to the second reading of this Bill.


said, that be was anxious to sec the principle of the Bill adopted. He wished to see coroners paid by salaries instead of by fees. It was somewhat difficult, however, to say how the principle was to be carried out, and therefore he would recommend his hon. Friend to withdraw the Bill for the present Session.


said, that he concurred with his right hon. Friend as to the objectionable portions of the present Bill. If the House would consent to the second reading now, he would fix the Committee for Friday, and in the mean time would speak to his hon. Friend who had charge of the Bill, and who would, he was sure, consent to the opinion of the House.

Bill read 2°.