HC Deb 15 August 1850 vol 113 c1078



1. AN Act for the Management of the Allotments made to the Freemen of Nottingham by virtue of certain Acts for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Saint Mary in the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham.

2. An Act to authorize the granting of Building and Improvement Leases of the settled Estates of Elizabeth Lydia Brigstocke, situate in the Town of Ryde in the Isle of Wight.

3. An Act to authorize the Purchase by the Prussian Minister of a Residence in England for the Use of the Prussian Legation, and to regulate the future holding of the same.

4. An Act to authorize the Sale of certain Real Estates situate at Hoddesdon in the County of Hertford, and in the Parish of Saint James Westminster in the County of Middlesex, and in Tottenham Court Road in the said County of Middlesex, which belonged to the late Renè Briand deceased.

5. An Act for authorizing certain Agreements between the Chancellor and Council of Her Majesty's Duehy of Lancaster and Sir Peter Hesketh Fleetwood Baronet to be carried into effect; and for other Purposes.

6. An Act for confirming and carrying into effect an Exchange heretofore made or attempted to be made between the Right Honourable George late Earl of Shrewsbury and John Grace of Whitby in the County of Chester, deceased.

7. An Act for confirming certain Leases granted by the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London, Governors of the Possessions, Revenues, and Goods of the Hospital of Edward late King of England the Sixth, of St. Thomas the Apostle, commonly called St. Thomas's Hospital, and for enabling them to grant Building and other Leases of their Estates.

8. An Act for carrying into effect a Contract for the Sale of Messuages and Lands situate in the Parish of Barford in the County of Warwick belonging to the Rectory of the same Parish, and for vesting in Trustees certain Cottages and Lands situate in the Parish of Barford aforesaid, being part of the Real Estate devised by the Will of Jane Mills, Widow, deceased, upon trust to complete a Contract for the Sale thereof.

9. An Act for creating Powers of Sale in the Freehold and Copyhold Estates comprised in the Marriage Settlement of William Bernard Harcourt, deceased, with Elizabeth Georgiana Harriet his Wife.

10. An Act for establishing a School for Orphans of Freemen of the City of London.

11. An Act to authorize the Trustees of certain Estates called the Chandos Estates, settled by a Deed dated the Third Day of May One thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight on the Most Noble Richard Plantagenet Duke of Buckingham and Chandos and his Issue, to lay out the Monies produced by Sales of Parts of the same Estates in the Purchase of the Family Estates of the said Duke of Buckingham and Chandos called the Buekinqham Estates, notwithstanding certain Family Charges thereon, either with an Indemnity against such Charges, to be approved by the Court of Chancery, or with a proportionate Deduction from the Purchase Money; to extend the Powers of re-investing a Part of the same Monies; and to authorize the granting of Building Leases of Parts of the first-mentioned Estates; and for other Purposes.

12. An Act to enable the Trustees of the Will of the late Sir John Lowther Johnstone Baronet, deceased, to grant Building and Repairing Leases for Ninety-nine Years of the Estate devised by the said Will situate in the Boroughs of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis and in the Parish of Radipole in the County of Dorset, and for other Purposes.

13. An Act for giving Effect to a Compromise relating to the Estate of the Right Honourable George Alan Viscount Middleton, deceased, and, with a view thereto, for vesting the Estates in England and Ireland late of the said Viscount Middleton in Trustees; and for other Purposes.

14. An Act to enable the Trustees of the Will of the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Thanet deceased to raise Money upon the Security of his Estates, for the Repair and Improvement of the Buildings thereon.

15. An Act to enable the Right Honourable Henry Earl of Effingham and others to grant

Building, Mining, and other Leases of certain Freehold Estates in the Townships of Rotherham and Kimberworth in the County of York, devised by the Will of the Right Honourable Richard late Earl of Effingham; and for other Purposes.

16. An Act for authorizing the Sale of Estates in the County of York devised by the Will of Sir Henry Maghul Mervin Vavasour Baronet, deceased; and for other Purposes.

17. An Act to authorize the Trustees of the Will of William Mellish Esquire, deceased, to invest a Portion of the Funds subject to the Trusts of the said William Mellish in the Purchase of the Family Estates in Ireland of the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Glengall.

18. An Act to enlarge and consolidate the Provivisions of Two Acts of Parliament relating to the Estates of John Bowes late Earl of Strathmore.

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