§ i. AN Act for carrying into effect an Agreement entered into between "The Suffolk and General Country Amicable Insurance Office," and "The Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Company."
§ ii. An Act to authorize the Bristol Waterworks Company to raise a further Sum of Money.
§ iii. An Act to give further Powers to the Birkenhead Improvement Commissioners for purchasing the Woodside Ferry, and for regulating their Mortgage Debt and facilitating the Sale of their Lands at Birkenhead.
§ iv. An Act for better assessing and collecting the Poor's Rates, Highway Rates, the County, Shire Hall, Police, and other County Rates in the Parish of West Bromwich in the County of Stafford, and the Township of Oldbury in the Parish of Hales Owen in the county of Worcester, and which parish of West Bromwich and Township of Oldbury are situate within the West Bromwich Poor Law Union.
§ v. An Act to enable the Commissioners acting under an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, for better regulating, paving, improving, and managing the Town of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex, and the Poor thereof, to purchase, improve, and manage the Royal Pavilion at Brighton, and the Grounds thereof, and to enlarge, extend, and apply the Powers and Provisions of the same Act with reference thereto.
§ vi. An Act to authorize an Alteration in the Line of the Buckinghamshire Railways at Oxford.
§ vii. An Act to extend the Time for the Purchase of certain Lands required for the South Wales Railway, and to amend the Acts relating thereto.
§ viii. An Act to authorize the Wakefield Borough Market Company to purchase certain Lands for a Market Place, and to make Approaches thereto.
§ ix. An Act for hotter enabling the Clerical, Medical, and General Life Assurance Society to sue and he sued; and to alter certain Provisions of their Deed of Constitution; and to give further Powers to the Society.
§ x. An Act to change the Name of "The Architects, Civil Engineers, Builders, and General Fire and Life Insurance, Annuity, and Reversionary Interest Company;" and for other Purposes relating to the Company.
§ xi. An Act to extend the Time for the Purchase of Lands required for the Completion of the Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway, and to amend the Acts relating to such Railway.
§ xii. An Act for the more effectual Drainage and Improvement of certain Lands in the Parishes of Ramsey, Upwood, and Great Raveley, all in the County of Huntingdon.
§ xiii. An Act for improving the Glasgow and Shoils Turnpike Roads.
§ xiv. An Act to enable the Londonderry and Ennisfdllen Railway Company to extend their Lino of Railway from Strabane to Omagh; and to amend the Acts relating to the said Company.
§ xv. An Act to amend the Walsall Improvement and Market Act, 1848, and for other Purposes.
§ xvi. An Act for extinguishing the Vicarial Tithes in the Parishes of Kew and Petershem in the County of Surrey; for confirming and regulating the Pew Rents of the Churches of the said Parishes; for authorizing the Division of the Vicarage of Kew and Petersham; and for other Purposes relating to such Vicarage.
§ xvii. An Act for completing the Line of the Londonderry and Coleraine Railway, with Branch to Newtownlimavady, and for amending the Acts relating thereto.
§ xviii. An Act to change the Name of the Licensed Victuallers and General Fire and Life Assurance Company to the Monarch Fire and Life Assurance Company, and for better enabling the said Company to sue and be sued; and to give additional Powers to the said Company.
§ xix. An Act to authorize a Transfer of the Undertaking and Powers of "The Carlisle Gaslight and Coke Company" to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Carlisle; to enable them to light the said City and the Environs thereof, and to raise Money for such Purposes; to repeal or amend and extend the Powers of the several Acts for lighting the said City and Environs; and for other Purposes.
§ xx. An Act for better regulating the Privileges of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and amending their Charter of Incorporation.
§ xxi. An Act for incorporating the Colonization Assurance Company, and conferring certain Privileges on the said Company.
§ xxii. An Act to incorporate the Society of the Guildry Fund of Elgin; to enable the said Society to sue and be sued; to regulate the said Society; and for other Purposes relating thereto.
§ xxiii. An Act for enabling Her Majesty to grant a now Charter to the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and for conferring further Powers on the said College.
§ xxiv. An Act to enable the Exeter and Crediton Railway Company to enlarge their Cowley Bridge Station, and to raise a further Amount of Capital.
§ xxv. An Act for better enabling the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company to sue and be sued, and to alter certain Provisions of their Deed of Settlement, and to give further Powers to the Company.
§ xxvi. An Act to amend the Act relating to the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway Company.
§ xxvii. An Act to extend the Time for the Sale of such Lands belonging to the Company of Proprietors of the Forth and Clyde Navigation as may not be required for the Purposes of the said Navigation, and to amend the Acts relating thereto.
§ xxviii. An Act for better supplying Childwall, Thingwall, Little Woolton, Much Woolton, and Galeacre, all in the County of Lancaster, with Water.
§ xxix. An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Waterford and Limerick Railway, and for other Purposes.
§ xxx. An Act for granting Facilities for the Use of certain Portions of the Eastern Counties Railways by the London and Blackwall Railway Company; and for amending the Acts relating to the London and Blackwall Railway.
§ xxxi. An Act to enable the South-eastern Railway Company to raise a further Sum of Money.
§ xxxii. An Act to explain and amend the New North Road Act, 1849.
§ xxxiii. An Act for regulating legal Proceedings by or against the Committee of Railway Companies associated under the Railway Clearing System, and for other Purposes.
§ xxxiv. An Act for supplying the Burghs of Dumfries and Maxwelltown and Suburbs with Water.
§ xxxv. An Act to authorize Deviations in the Line of the South Yorkshire, Doncaster, and Goole Railway, the Extension of the Elsecar Branch of the said Railway to Tankersley, and the Amendment of the Acts relating to the said Railway.
§ xxxvi. An Act to enable the East and West India Docks and Birmingham Junction Railway Company to make certain Branch Railways, and to amend the Act relating to the said Company, and to authorize the Lease of the said Undertaking, and for other Purposes.
§ xxxvii. An Act for regulating the Markets and Fairs held within the Borough of Cambridge, and at Reach in the County of Cambridge, and for enlarging the Market Place, and for rebuilding or altering the Guildhall of the said Borough, and for the Improvement of the said Borough, and the better Regulation of the Police within the same.
§ xxxviii. An Act to alter the Terms of Issue of the Shares in the Capital of the York and North Midland Railway Company, called the "Hull and Selby Purchase, &c. Shares;" to enable the said Company to hold Shares in the Hull and Selby Railway Company and in the Malton and Driffield Junction Railway Company; to alter, amend, and extend the Acts relating to the York and North Midland Railway Company; and for other Purposes.
§ xxxix. An Act to enable the Dundee and Perth and Aberdeen Railway Junction Company to raise a further Sum of Money, and for other Purposes.
§ xl. An Act for establishing Markets in and otherwise improving the Borough of Bolton in the County Palatine of Lancaster, and for extending the Provisions of the Acts relating to the Bolton Waterworks, and for other Purposes,
§ xli. An Act to enable the Corporation of Swansea, with the Consent of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, to subscribe for Shares in the Swansea Dock Company, and to raise Money for that Purpose, and to purchase the Interests of certain Lessees of Property belonging to the said Corporation; and for other Purposes.
§ xlii. An Act for providing, regulating, and maintaining a Cattle Market in the Borough of Reading in the County of Berks, and for constructing a convenient Market Place therein.
§ xliii. An Act to amend the Act relating to the Harbour of Montrose, and to enable the Trustees to borrow a further Sum of Money.
§ xliv. An Act to grant further Powers to the South Wales Railway Company with reference to the Creation of Shares and the Regulation of their Capital; and for other Purposes.
§ xlv. An Act to grant further Powers to the Dublin and Drogheda Railway Company for raising Money by the Creation of Shares, in lieu of borrowing on Mortgage; and to amend the Acts relating to the Dublin and Drogheda Railway.
§ xlvi. An Act for better assessing and collecting the Poor Rates, Highway Rates, and other Parochial Rates, the County, Shirehall, Police, and other County and local Rates, on Small Tenements, in the several Parishes, Townships, and Hamlets of Stourbridge, Upper Swinford, Wallaston, the Lye, Waltescote, Cradley, the Borough of Halesowen, Hawn, Hasbury, Illy, Lutley, the Hill, Cakemore, Ridgacre, and Lapal, in the County of Worcester, and Kingswinford and Amblccote in the County of Stafford, situate within and forming the Stourbridge Poor Law Union.
§ xlvii. An Act for extending the Times limited by "The Swansea. Dock Act, 1847," for the compulsory Purchase of Lands and Execution of Works; and for other Purposes.
§ xlviii. An Act for uniting the Townships of Snaith and Cowick in the Parish of Snaith in the West Riding of the County of York, and for other Parochial or Township Purposes.
§ xlix. An Act for managing and repairing the Road leading from Foxley Hatch in the Parish of Croydon to the Town Reigate in the Comity of Surrey.
§ l. An Act for lighting with Gas the Town of Pontypridd and the Neighbourhood thereof in the County of Glamorgan.
§ li. An Act to authorize the Construction of a Dock on the North Side of the River Thames, to be called "The Victoria (London) Dock."
§ lii. An Act for supplying the City of Norwich and the Neighbourhood thereof with Water.
§ liii. An Act to amend "The Great North of England Railway Purchase Act, 1846," and to enable the York, Newcastle, and Berwick Railway Company to complete the Purchase of the said Railway.
§ liv. An Act for extending the Time and continuing the Powers granted by "The Eastern Union and Harwich Railway and Pier Act, 1847," for the compulsory Purchase of Lands and Houses, and for the Completion of Works, and for enabling "The Eastern Union Railway Company" to create new Shares, with certain Privileges attached, for paying off their Mortgage Debt; and for other Purposes.
§ lv. An Act to extend the Time for the Purchase of Lands required for certain Branches of the North Staffordshire Railway to Newcastle-under-Lyme, Silverdale, and the Apedale Ironworks.
§ lvi. An Act for making a new Street from the West Side of Queen Street to the South Side of Saint Paul's Churchyard, in continuation of the new Street from Cannon Street to the East Side of Queen Street, and for effecting other Improvements in the City of London.
§ lvii. An Act to authorize the abandoning of certain Portions of the South Yorkshire, Doncaster, and Goole Railway, a Deviation thereof near Doncaster, and the Amendment of the Acts relating thereto.
§ lviii. An Act to enable the South Staffordshire Railway Company to lease their Undertaking; and for other Purposes.
§ lix. An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Kent Waterworks to raise a further Sum of Money; and to alter and amend the former Acts relating thereto.
§ lx. An Act for amending and extending the Powers and Provisions of the Act of the Seventh Year of the Reign of King William the Fourth, relating to the Southampton Waterworks, and for other Purposes.
§ lxi. An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Great Northern Railway, to authorize a Deviation at Doncaster and Two short Curves at Peterborough, and to alter the Tolls of the Great Northern and East Lincolnshire Railways.
§ lxii. An Act to enable the Waterford and Kilkenny Railway Company to raise further Capital; and for other Purposes.
§ lxiii. An Act for the Improvement and Regulation of the River Tyne and the Navigation thereof, and for other Purposes.
§ lxiv. An Act to amend an Act passed in the Fifty-fifth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act for more effectually repairing the Road leaing from Heronsyke to Kirkby in Kendal, and from thence through Shap to Eamont Bridge, in the County of Westmoreland, am for making a neivtiead from the said road at a Place called Far Cross Bank.near Kirkby in Kendal, to communicate with the intended Canal from Lancaster to Kirkby in Kendal, and to join the said Road at or near a Place called the Lound near Kirkby in Kendal aforesaid; and to continue the Term by the same Act granted.
§ lxv. An Act to amend an Act passed in the Fifty-eighth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled An Act for making and maintaining a Turnpike Road from the Turnpike Road leading from Ulverstone to Kendal into the Turnpike Road leading from Millthorp to Kendal, and a Continuation of the said Road from the last-mentioned Turnpike Road to join the Turnpdke Road leading from Lancaster to Kendal, and to continue the Term thereby granted.
§ lxvi. An Act for continuing the Term of an Act passed in the Fourth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for Building a Bridge over the River Severn, at or near to the My the Hill within the Parish and near to the Town of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester, to the opposite Side of the said River in the Parish of Bushley in the County of Worcester, and for making convenient Roads and Avenues to communicate with such Bridge, within the Counties of Gloucester and Worcester, and of another Act passed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His said late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for altering, amending, and enlarging the Powers and Provisions of an Act relating to the Tewkesbury Severn Bridge and Roads, for the Purpose of paying off the Debt now due on the said Bridge and Roads.
§ lxvii. An Act for continuing and enlarging the Term and Powers of Three Acts, passed in the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, for repairing and widening several Roads leading to and from the Towns of Bala and Dotgelley in the County of Merioneth, and other Roads therein mentioned, in the Counties of Montgomery, Denbigh, and Salop, and for repairing several other Roads in the Counties of Merioneth and Denbigh.
§ lxviii. An Act for the better supplying with Water the Town of Reading and the Hamlet of Whitley in the County of Berks.
§ lxix. An Act for supplying with Water the Town and Port of Cardiff and the Neighbourhood thereof, in the County of Glamorgan.
§ lxx. An Act to provide for the Erection of public Slaughter-houses for the City of Edinburgh, and for the Regulation of the same.
§ lxxi. An Act to amend and extend the Provisions of the Act relating to the Garstang and Heiring Syke Turnpike Road.
§ lxxii. An Act to extend the Powers of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway Company, and to amend Acts relating to their Railway.
§ lxxiii. An Act to incorporate the Members of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners Royal Benevolent Society, and to enable them better to carry into effect their charitable Designs.
§ lxxiv. An Act to extend the Wolverhampton Waterworks, and to amend the Act relating thereto.
§ lxxv. An Act for better supplying with Water the Borough of Salford, and for the further Improvement of the said Borough.
§ lxxvi. An Act to extend the Powers of the Dundalk and Enniskillen. Railway Company for the Purchase of Lands and Completion of Works on Part of their Railway; and for other Purposes.
§ lxxvii. An Act for extending and amending the Acts for regulating and improving the Borough of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
§ lxxviii. An Act for enabling the Aberdeen Railway Company to raise a further Sum of Money, and to alter their Station and the Levels of their Railway at and near Aberdeen; for repealing "The Great North of Scotland Railway Act, 1847;" for altering, amending, and extending the Acts relating to the Aberdeen Railway; and for other Purposes.
§ lxxix. An Act for repealing an Act relating to the Borough of Bradford in the County of York, and for better paving, lighting, watching, draining, and otherwise improving the said Borough, and for the better Regulation and Management thereof.
§ lxxx. An Act to extend the Time limited by the Liverpool Corporation Waterworks Act, 1847, for purchasing Lands and constructing the Works authorized by such Act, and for other Purposes.
§ lxxxi. An Act for continuing the Term of the Cromford and Newhaven Turnpike Road Act, and for other Purposes.
§ lxxxii. An Act for confirming an Agreement for the Sale of the Freehold and Leasehold Hereditaments and Premises, Works, Property, Gear, and Fixtures, of the Poplar Gaslight Company, to the Commercial Gas Company, and for the Dissolution of the Poplar Gaslight Company.
§ lxxxiii. An Act to enlarge the Powers of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, and to amend the Acts relating to their Undertakings.
§ lxxxiv. An Act for continuing the Godstone and Highgate Turnpike Trust for a limited Period, for the Purpose of paying off the Mortgage Debt.
§ lxxxv. An Act for repairing the Road leading from a certain Point in the Kennington Road in the Parish of Saint Mary Lambeth in the County of Surrey to Highgate in the County of Sussex, and thence to Witchcross in the same County, and several other Roads therein mentioned.
§ lxxxvi. An Act for forming and regulating the British Electric Telegraph Company, and to enable the said Company to work certain Letters Patent.
§ lxxxvii. An Act for more effectually repairing and improving the Road from Rochdale, through Bamford and Birtle, to Bury, and several other Roads therein mentioned, all in the County Palatine of Lancaster.
§ lxxxviii. An Act to enable the Midland Great Western Railway Ireland Company to make certain Deviations in the Line of their Railway, and for other purposes.
§ lxxxix. An Act for extending and amending the Powers of the Timber Preserving Company's Acts; and to enable the Company to buy, improve, and sell Substances to be preserved, and to work Mills and Machinery.
§ xc. An Act for continuing the Term of "The Birmingham and Pershore Turnpike Road Act," and for other Purposes.
§ xci. An Act for contracting a Bridge across the River Clyde, opposite to South Portland, Street, Laurieston, Glasgow.
§ xcii. An Act to amend "The Gorbals Gravitation Water Company Act, 1846," to authorize the Extension of the Works, and the Construction of new Works to supply the Town or Royal Burgh of Rutherglen and other Places with Water.
§ xciii. An Act for better paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, and otherwise regulating and improving the City and Township of Peterborough in the Liberty of Peterborough in the County of Northampton, and for establishing a Cemetery therein.
§ xciv. An Act to make better Provision for raising Funds to complete the Railway and Dock Undertakings of the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Company, and for other Purposes.
§ xcv. An Act to authorize certain Alterations in the Line of the Liverpool, Crosby, and South-port Railway, and for other Purposes.
§ xcvi. An Act for paving, draining, cleansing, lighting, and otherwise improving the Township of Bilston in the County of Stafford, and for establishing a Local Board of Health in that Township; and also for better supplying with Water and Gas the said Township of Bilston, and for constructing Cemeteries there, and for purchasing, improving, maintaining, and regulating the Market and Market Place therein; and for other purposes.
§ xcvii. An Act for the Dissolution of the East of Fife Railway Company, and for the Abandonment of the Railway.
§ xcviii. An Act to enable the West Cornwall Railway Company to make a Deviation in and a Branch Railway from their authorized Line of Railway; and for other purposes.
§ xcix. An Act to enable the Liverpool, Crosby, and Southport Railway Company to sell or lease their Railway to the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company.
§ c. An Act to carry into effect, Arrangements made between the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods and the Trustees of the Birkenhead Docks; to Amend the Acts relating to the said Docks, and to extend the Time for Completion of Works; and for other Purposes.
§ ci. An Act for the Extension and better Regulation and Management of the Markets and Slaughter-houses in the City of Glasgow.
§ cii. An Act for amending and enlarging the Powers and Provisions of "The Westminster Improvement Act, 1815," and "The Westminster Improvement Act, 1817," to extend the Time for the compulsory Purchase of Lands, and for other purposes.
§ ciii. An Act for continuing the Term of an Act passed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for making a Turnpike Road from Saint John's Chapel in the Parish of Saint Marylebone to the North-east End of Ballard's Lane, abutting upon the North Road in the Parish of Finchley, with a Branch therefrom, in the County of Middlesex, for the Purpose of paying off the Debt now due on the said Roads, and providing for the future Management thereof.
§ civ. An Act for better constituting the District Church of Saint Michael, Chester Square, in the County of Middlesex.
§ cv. An Act to give Effect to certain Securities upon the Rates authorized to be levied under the Wolverhampton Improvement Act.
§ cvi. An Act for incorporating "The Class A. Shareholders of the St. Andrew's and Quebec Railroad Company," and conferring on them certain Powers.
§ cvii. An Act for facilitating the Erection of a Church to be called "St. Gabriel's" in the District Parish of St. Peter Pimlico in the County of Middlesex, and for other Purposes.
§ cviii. An Act for better improving the Borough of Belfast.
§ cix. An Act to alter and amend the Acts relating to the Navigation of the River Lee in the Counties of Hertford, Essex, and Middlesex; and to enable the Trustees further to improve the Navigation and to dispose of the surplus Water; and for other Purposes.
§ cx. An Act to amend the Acts relating to the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton Railway Company, and to confer additional Powers upon the same Company and upon certain other Companies, and for other Purposes.
§ cxi. An Act to enable the Hartlepool West Harbour and Dock Company to alter and improve their Harbour and construct additional Works; and for amending an Act passed in the Tenth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, called "The Hartlepool West Harbour and Dock Act, 1847."
§ cxii. An Act to enable the Commissioners of Westminster Bridge to build a temporary Bridge across the River Thames from Bridge Street in the City of Westminster to the opposite Shore in the County of Surrey.