HC Deb 22 May 1849 vol 105 c842

New Writ.—For Warwick County (Southern Division), V. Evelyn John Shirley, Esq., Chiltern Hundreds.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Plumptre, from Wraxall, Somersetshire, against the Parliamentary Oaths Bill,—By Lord Dudley Stuart, from St. Pancras, Middlesex, for an Extension of the Suffrage.—By Mr. G. Hamilton, from Portadown, for an Alteration of the Church Temporalities (Ireland) Act.—By Mr. Milner Gibson, from Manchester, for the Clergy Relief Bill.—By Sir John Duckworth, from Exeter, against the Marriages Bill—By Mr. Blair, from the Guardians of the Bolton Union, for an Alteration of the County Rates and Expenditure Bill.—By Mr. Portal, from several Places in the County of Southampton, for Repeal of the Duty on Malt.—By Mr. Busfeild, from Bradford, Yorkshire, for Reduction of the Public Expenditure.—By Lord Robert Grosvener, from the Guardians of the Barnet Union, for Rating Owners of Tenements in lieu of Occupiers; and from Harrow-on-the-Hill, for an Alteration of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. Beresford, from Harlow, Essex, and from other Places, for Agricultural Relief.—By Sir E. Buxton, from Owners and Proprietors of Manors and Manorial Rights, against the Copyholds Enfranchisement Bill.—By Mr. Alderman Copeland, for an Alteration of the Friendly Societies Bill.—By Mr. Scrope, from a Public Meeting of the Working Classes of London, for the Establishment of Home Colonies.—By Mr. Villiers, from Wolverhampton, for Reform in the Medical Profession.—By Mr. Osborne, from the Guardians of St. Luke's, Middlesex, for Inquiry respecting the Metropolitan Police.—By Mr. Anderson, from Kirkwall, for Reform of the Parochial Schools (Scotland).—From the St. Ives Union, Huntingdonshire, Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Mr. Masterman, from the City of London, for the Suppression of Promiscuous Intercourse.—By Mr. Tennent, from Belfast, for the Abolition of Queen's Plates; also for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.—By Mr. Cobden, from Lanidloes, Montgomeryshire, for an Alteration of the Small Debts Act.—By Mr. Lushington, from Westminster, against the Removal of Smithfield Market.