§ PUBLIC BILLS.—Reported.—Bankruptcy (Ireland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Colonel Thompson, from Kccleshill, Yorkshire, for Universal Suffrage.—By Mr. Bright, from Linlithgow, for the Affirmation Bill.—By 561 Mr. Heald, from the Rev. J. Jordan. Vicar of Enstone, Oxfordshire, for a Reform of the Church of England.——By Mr. James Matheson, from the Free Synod of Ross, for the Clergy Relief Bill; and from Stomoway, County of Ross, against the Sunday Travelling on Railways Bill.—By Mr. Ker Seymer, from Charmouth, against the Marriages Bill.—By Mr. Aglionby, from the New Zealand Company, against Convict Emigration.—By Mr. Philip Bennet, from a Number of Places in Suffolk, for Repeal of the Duty on Malt.—From the Guardians of the Wood-bridge Union, for Rating Owners of Tenements in lieu of Occupiers.—By Mr. Archibald Hastie, from Paisley, for the Repeal of the Game Laws, and against the Public Health (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Mackenzie, from the Parish of St. Ninian's, Stirlingshire, against the Lunatics (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Armstrong, from the Bum-ley Union, Lancashire, for a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Mr. Heald, from several Wes-leyan Congregations in Yorkshire, for the Suppression of Promiscuous Intercourse.—By Admiral Gordon, from Kincardine O'Neil, against the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill, and Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Osman Ricardo, from Worcester, for an Alteration of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. Hardcastle, from Colchester, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.—By Mr. Walker Heneage, from Devizes, for deciding International Disputes by Arbitration.