§ PUBLIC BILLS,—1°Passengers.
§ 2°Navigation.
§ 3°Spirits (Ireland).
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Deedes, from several Inhabitants of the Town of Sittingborne, Kent, respecting the South Eastern Railway Company.—By Mr. Urquhart, from the Village of Ballydehob, in the County of Cork, for the Establishment of Local Legislatures (Ireland).—From Members of the Baptist Church of Dunfermline, in favour of the Affirmation Bill.—By Mr. Plumptre, from the Parish of Birchington, in the County of Kent, against the Marriages Bill.—By Mr. Moody, from the Inhabitants of Ston Easton. Somerset, against any Endowment of the Roman Catholic Clergy.—By Lord C. Manners, from the Waltham Agricultural Society, for the Imposition of Duty on Corn and Cattle.—By Mr. G. Cavendish, from Farmers, and Others, of Scarsdale, North Derbyshire, for a Repeal of the Malt Tax.—By Sir W. Somerville, from St. Peter's Parish, Drogheda, for the Abolition of Ministers' Money (Ireland).—By Mr. West, from the Shrewsbury and Chester Railway Company, respecting the Taxation on Railways.—By Mr. Lushington, from James Dowie, of No. 455, Strand, respecting his Invention in Boots, and praying for an Inquiry.—By Lord Lewisham, from Bilston, Staffordshire, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Copyholds.—By Mr. George Hamilton, from Members of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, for an Alteration of the Law respecting Education (Ireland).—By Mr. Sharman Crawford, from Rochdale, in favour of Secular Education.—By Mr. Cardwell, from Master Blockmakers, and Others, of the Port of Liverpool, and by other Hon. Members, from several Places, against the Navigation Bill.—From Messrs. Spottiswoode and Robertson, of Great George Street, Westminster, for the Production of Certain Documents connected with the Glasgow and Dundee Junction Railway (1846).—By Mr. Robert Tennent, from several Out-Pensioners of the Chelsea Hospital, complaining of the Deductions from their Half Pay.—By Mr. Pole Carew, from the Guardians of the St. Germans Union, Cornwall, respecting the Rating of Personal Property.—By Sir Robert Ferguson, from the Guardians of the Castlederg Union, against the proposed Rate in Aid (Ireland).—By Mr. Burroughes, from Yarmouth, for the Suppression of Promiscuous Intercourse—By Mr. H. Baillie, from the Presbytery of Lochearron, in the Counties of Ross and Inverness, against the Registering Births, &c. Bill; also against the Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. R. Palmer, from the Guardians of the Bradfield Union, for an Alteration of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Sir Edward Buxton, from Woodbridge (Suffolk), and from several other Places, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade.—By Mr. Grenville Berkeley, from Charfield, and its Vicinity, and from several other Places, for Referring War Disputes to Arbitration.