§ PUBLIC BILLS,—2° Judgments (Ireland); Administration of Justice (Vancouver's Island).
§ Reported.—Estates Leasing (Ireland); Judgments (Ireland); Inland Posts (Colonies); House of Commons Offices; Petty Bag, &c. Offices Amendment; Commons Inclosure (No. 2); Lunatic Asylums (Ireland); Labouring Poor Act Amendment (Ireland); Land Improvement Amendment Act (Ireland).
§ 3° Poor Relief (Cities and Boroughs); Bribery at Elections.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Dudley Stuart, from St. Pancras, for Universal Suffrage; also for Regulating the Hours of Labour in the Baking Trade.—By Mr. Brotherton, from Finsbury, for Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. George Dundas, from Kirkliston, against, and by Mr. Stuart Wortley, from Stourbridge, in favour of, the Marriages Bill.—By Mr. Milifer Gibson, from Manchester, for Repeal of the Duty on Attorneys' Certificates.—By Mr. Mackinnon, from Portsmouth, for the Prohibition of Interment in Towns.—By Mr. Grogan, from Dublin, for an Alteration of the Newgate Gaol (Dublin) Bill.—By Lord J. Russell, from Dungarvon, for an Alteration of the Poor Law (Ireland).—By Mr. John Stuart, from Newark-upon-Trent, for the Protection of Women Bill.—By Mr. Osborne, from St. Giles in the Fields, for an Alteration of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Mr. Thomas Duncombe, from Finsbury, against the Sale and Manufacture of Bread Bill.—By Mr. Evelyn Denison, from Nottingham, for the Scientific Societies Bill.—By Mr. John Neeld, from Swindon, for an Alteration of the Small Debts Act.