HC Deb 30 April 1849 vol 104 c973

begged to ask the right hon. the President of the Board of Trade, whether it was the intention of the Government to introduce any measure to provide for a more effectual audit of railway accounts? In connexion with this subject he might direct the right hon. Gentleman's attention to a report lately printed relative to an investigation instituted by the Eastern Counties Railway Company. In that case auditors were appointed under the Act of Parliament, which directed that the accounts should be placed in the hands of the auditors at least fourteen days before the meeting at which they were presented; but the accounts were not submitted to the auditors until the very last day, and, consequently, they were unable to give them a thorough examination. He considered that some change in the law was absolutely necessary.


said, that in the course of the last Session a Bill came down to that House from the House of Lords for establishing an improved system of auditing railway accounts. He then expressed his opinion that it was most desirable that a more efficient audit of railway accounts should be provided, and he voted for the second reading of the Bill. Unfortunately, however, the House took a different view of the measure, and threw it out by a considerable majority. He had reason to believe that the subject had undergone most careful consideration in a Committee of the House of Lords. He expected that a measure would very speedily emanate from that Committee; but, if he were disappointed in that expectation, he should feel it his duty, on the part of the Government, to submit a measure to the House.

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