MR. G. A. HAMILTON stated, that as the right hon. Baronet the Secretary for the Home Department had permitted him to introduce the Bill of which he had given notice, relating to a most important subject, and designed to remedy an injustice and grievance of no ordinary magnitude, with the understanding that by permitting it to be introduced, the Government was not to be considered as pledged hereafter to support it, unless on consideration that they should approve of it, he (Mr. Hamilton) without further observation, and reserving the discussion for the second reading, would move—
That leave be given to bring in a Bill to alter and amend so much of the Act 1 & 2 Vic., c. 56, as relates to the mode of making Tithe-Rent Charge in Ireland liable to Poor-Rate poundage; and, also, to empower the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in Ireland to allow poundage deducted from ecclesiastical persons on account of Poor-Rate, among the deductions from the Valuation of
Ecclesiastical property, directed to be made under the Act 3 and 4 Will. IV., c. 37, for the purpose of a certain Tax thereby imposed upon such property in Ireland.