HC Deb 31 March 1847 vol 91 cc672-3

was desirous of obtaining information from the noble Lord respecting the vacancy which had recently occurred in the office of the Masters in Chancery. The noble Lord was, of course, aware that Mr. Lynch had felt himself obliged to resign the office of Master on account of ill health. He was anxious that the appointment should not be filled up until a copy of the evidence taken in 1842 by the then Lord Chancellor, the Master of the Rolls, and the Vice Chancellor of England, should be laid before the House. That evidence, he understood, sanctioned several alterations and reforms in the Court of Chancery. He should hereafter move, that a message be sent to the Lords for a copy of the evidence, which he was informed was at present under the consideration of the Lord Chancellor; and he hoped that the vacancy in the office of the Master would not be filled up until the result of the evidence, and of the consideration it was now undergoing, should be known.


said, that when this vacancy took place, he received a communication from the Lord Chancellor, informing him of what had occurred, and stating that no immediate steps would be taken for filling up the vacancy, in order that an opportunity might be afforded to consider if any, and what, alterations might be made in respect to the Court of Chancery.

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