HC Deb 16 December 1847 vol 95 c1231

NEW MEMBER SWORN.—For Weymouth, the Hon. Frederick William Child Villiers.

PUBLIC BILLS.—1° Land Tax Commissioners' Names.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Gladstone, from Robert Isaac Wilberforce, Clerk, Archdeacon of the East Riding, for Alteration of Law relating to Bishops—By Mr. Bankes, from Parishioners of Long Bredy and Little Bredy, in the County of Dorset, for Increasing Efficiency (Church of England).—By several hon. Members, from an immense number of places, for and against the Removal of Jewish Disabilities.—From Thomas O'Connor, Chairman, and Francis Loodey, Secretary of the Davis Confederate Club, of London, for Abolition of Ministers' Money (Ireland).—By Mr. Plumptre, from Seend (Wilts), against Legalizing a Roman Ambassador—By Viscount Morpeth, from Roman Catholic Clergymen and Laymen of Allerton Mauleverer, against the Roman Catholic Charitable Trusts Bill.—By Lord Courtenay, and other hon. Members, from various places, for Inquiry into the Conduct of the Roman Catholic Clergy (Ireland).—From Lambeth, for Inquiry into the Case of the Rajah of Sattara.—By Mr. R. Palmer, from various places for a Superannuation Fund for Poor Law Officers.—By Mr. Peto, from Norwich, for Repeal or Alteration of the Poor Removal Act.—By Mr. S. Crawford, from Parish of Kilballyowen, for Alteration of Law of Landlord and Tenant (Ireland).—By Mr. Neeld, from Cricklade, and Mr. Sotheron, from Parish of Statton Saint (Wilts), and Inhabitants of Swindon, respecting Turnpike Trusts.—By Mr. Mackinnon, from Inhabitants of Lymington (Hampshire), for the Adoption of a Treaty of Arbitration between the British Government and the other Governments of the world respectively, for putting a final period to the barbarous and unchristian practice of War.