§ PUBLIC BILLS.—2o Service of Heirs (Scotland); Crown Charters (Scotland; Quakers' and Jews' Marriages.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Ferrand, from Cork, for Alteration in the Church. Temporalities (Ireland) Act.—By Mr. Henry Baillie and other hon. Members, from a number of places, against the Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Labouchere, from Waterford, for Abolition of Ministers' Money (Ireland).—By Sir H. Inglis and Mr. W. Miles, from Dorset and other places, against the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Mr. R. Scott and Mr. Walker, from Stourbridge and Lancaster, in favour of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill.—By Viscount Sandon, from China, for Protection to British Subjects in China.—By Mr. C. Buller and Mr. S. O'Brien, from Cornwall and Brigstock, against the Use of Grain in Breweries and Distilleries.—By Sir C. Lemon, from Cornwall, in favour of the Rating of Tenements (No. 2) Bill.—By Sir R. Peel, from Birmingham, for Repeal of Duties on Tea, Sugar, and Coffee.—By a great number of hon. Members, from an immense number of places, against the Proposed Plan of Education.—By Mr. Acland, and a number of other hon. Members, in favour of the Proposed Plan of Education.—By Mr. E. Denison, from Yorkshire, for Alteration of Proposed Plan of Education.—By Sir John Hob-house, from Nottingham, against the Hosiery Manufacture Bill.—By Mr. Hudson, from Sunderland, against the Repeal of the Navigation Laws.—By Mr. Scott, from Stafford, for Alteration in the Poor Law.—By Mr. S. O'Brien, from Stanwick, for an efficient Law relating to the Poor (Ireland).—By Mr. Christopher, from Lincoln, for Repeal or Alteration of the Poor Removal Act.—By Lord John Russell, from Cork, against the Introduction of a certain Clause in the Poor Relief (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. Balfour and Sir W. James, from Dunbar and Kingston-upon-Hull, in favour of the Ports, Harbours, &c. Bill (1846).—By Mr. Protheroe, from Halifax, for Suppression of Promiscuous Intercourse.—By Mr. Williams, from Dublin and London, for Inquiry into the Public Works (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. Bailhe, and other hon. Members, from several places, against the Registering Births &c. (Scotland) Bill—By Mr. Fox Maule, in favour of the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. H. Baillie and other hon. Members, from several places, against the Registering Births (Scotland) Bill, and Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. H. Johnstone, and other hon. Members, from several places, for Compensation respecting the Registering Births, &c. (Scotland) Bill, and Marriage (Scotland) Bill.—By Mr. Barclay, and other 949 hon. Members, from several places, for Alteration of the Law of Settlement.—By Lord J. Russell, from a Meeting held at the Hall of Commerce, London, for referring Disputes to Arbitration.