§ Mr. Humebegged leave to ask a question of the hon. Member for York in reference to a Bill called the York and North Midland Railway Bill, in which it appeared that, amongst other property to be sold, was the old harbour of Bridlington. Other harbours had already been sold, and at that rate it appeared as if they would soon be selling all the harbours on the coast. He wished to know if this matter had been submitted to those parties under whose direction the navigation of this country was placed?
Mr. Redhead Yorkesaid, that it was not his Bill; his name had been put upon it as one of the Members of the city of York. The question was a perfectly proper one, and since the subject had been mentioned, he had communicated with others outside, who said that if there was any informality in the Bill, or any clause which should not be there, they would have great pleasure in seeing them removed.