§ Mr. Humestated, that when the thanks of the House were voted to the soldiers and officers of the Indian army for their services in China, he had put a question to the right hon. Baronet at the head of the Government as to whether it were his intention to propose the thanks of the House to Sir H. Pottinger; he was told that the question was premature. Now that there was peace with China, and all matters in dispute settled, he wished to ask whether it were the intention of the right hon. Baro- 960 net to propose a vote of thanks to that gallant officer for his distinguished services, and also whether it were intended to confer a pension or other reward on him?
§ Sir R. Peelhoped that the hon. Member would not consider that the answer which he was about to give manifested even the slightest mark of disrespect to the gallant officer in question, of whose abilities and character it was impossible that he should not entertain the highest sense. He had often had occasion to notice the high and distinguished services of this gallant officer; but with respect to the course suggested by the hon. Member, all he could say was, that it had not been the usual course to vote the thanks of that House for civil or diplomatic services. He thought that public inconvenience might arise from adopting such a course. As for reward, Her Majesty had already marked the sense she entertained of the distinguished services of Sir Henry Pottinger, by conferring on him a Baronetcy and the Grand Cross of the Bath.
§ Mr. Humewould, after the recess, bring forward a Motion respecting the services of that gallant officer.