§ Sir Robert Peelmight take that opportunity of observing that an error, at which he was not at all surprised, had gone abroad with respect to some observations that had fallen from him during the recent debate on the New Zealand 784 question. It was supposed that he had stated that Her Majesty's Government had received information of the issue by Captain Fitzroy, the Governor of that Colony, of the inconvertible debentures, and that his noble Friend the Secretary for the Colonies had signified to that gallant Officer his disapprobation of that issue. Now, in point of fact, the Colonial Department had received no official notification of the issue of inconvertible debentures by the Government of New Zealand; but they had received accounts of the issue at a former period of certain debentures, which were called convertible debentures, by Captain Fitzroy; and with respect to these his noble Friend had taken the earliest opportunity of informing the Governor of New Zealand that the issue of such securities did not meet his approbation.