§ Mr. Home Drummondmoved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the laws concerning Highways, Bridges, and Ferries in Scotland, and the making and maintaining thereof by Statute Service and the conversion of Statute Service into money. He said, he had no intention to supersede the Local Acts. The circumstances of different countries were so different, that the same 455 regulations could not apply to all; but in many particulars, such as matters of police, uniformity might be introduced without much difference of opinion. He had no desire, however, to raise any discussion merely for the sake of uniformity; but there were one or two points to which he attached considerable importance, and to which he wished to direct the attention of the House. Gentlemen connected with Scotland knew that the highways were formerly made and maintained in a great measure by compulsory labour. In former times this was probably the only mode by which the object could be accomplished; but now that labour has been commuted into a pecuniary tax, he thought it highly inexpedient that such a tax should be levied from persons who have no taxable property. From many persons now liable, it is impossible to levy it. The tax is partially levied, and sometimes those who are not the most necessitous escape. It is, therefore, unjustly levied; and the collection is attended with very considerable expense, and in some places is hardly consistent with the peace of the country. He proposed, therefore, to exempt all persons from payment who are not proprietors or occupiers of houses rented or valued at 5l. yearly. He should also propose to prohibit the recovery of arrears after the year for which the assessment is made, and to make some other regulations, with the detail of which he did not wish to trouble the House at present. Time would be allowed for the Bill to go to Scotland for consideration, and he would not move for the Committee until the sentiments of the meetings of the 30th of April next were known.
§ Leave given. Bill brought in and read a first time.