HC Deb 17 June 1842 vol 64 c168

On the motion for the bringing up the report of the resolution to make provision for the amendment of chapels, &c., under the Dean Forest Ecclesiastical Districts Bill,

Mr. T. Duncombe

denounced the bill as one of the grossest ecclesiastical jobs. The House was under great misapprehension as to its real powers and objects, and therefore it was absolutely necessary that some better opportunity should be afforded for discussing its provisions. It was no inducement for him to agree to accelerate the bill that the right hon. Baronet wished to proceed with the Poor-law in committee on Monday next. He did not wish the Poor-law carried; he hoped it would be rejected; indeed, he did not believe that Minister would be able to carry it. The opponents of that bill were determined to resist it clause by clause, and if necessary, line by line. Unless, therefore, right hon. Gentlemen opposite wished to amuse themselves by going into the lobby and returning night after night unceasingly for the next month, they had better at once withdraw the bill. He certainly should oppose the reception of this report unless the right hon. Baronet consented to take the next stage at an early hour in the evening, when a full discussion might be had.

Sir R. Peel

said, that the next stage should be moved before 12 o'clock.

Report received, and instruction to the committee on the bill to make provision accordingly, was agreed to.