§ Bills. Public,—1° Linen Manufactures (Ireland).
§ 2°Four Courts Marshalsea (Dublin). Reported.—Right of Voting (Dublin University); Charitable Pawn Offices (Ireland).
§ 3°and passed:—Mines and Collieries.
§ Private.—1° Mostyn's Estate; Marquess of Tweedale's Estate;. Duke of Bridgewaters Estate; Lord Southampton's Estate; Verconsin's Naturalization.
§ 2°Lord Sherborne's Estate; Gibson's Estate.
§ 3° and passed:—Hawkes Divorce; Liverpool and Manchester Railway.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From John Gumner, and Thomas Humphries, for Amendment of the Law for Imprisoning for Debt—From a Public Meeting held at the Crown and Anchor, Strand, praying into the cause of the Public Collieries.—From Governors of Clogheen and Cater Fever Hospitals, against placing Medical Charities under the 980 Control of the Poor-law Commissioners.—By Lord Bernard, from Manorhamilton, Carrigaline, Kilgriffe, and Desart against the present System of Education (Ireland).—From Tregory, for the Repeal of the Poor-law Amendment Act.—From Hayfield Union, for the Alteration of the Poor-law Amendment Act.—By Mr. Muntz, from the Corporation of Birmingham, for Exemption from the Manchester, Birmingham, and Bolton Police Bill.—By Mr. Thomas Duncombe, from Roman Catholics of the Metropolis, for Equality of Civil Rights.—From a Public Meeting at Birmingham, for Inquiry into the Deaths of James Holberry and William Clayton, and the Release of Political Offenders—From the Members of the 4 Provident Building Societies of Sunderland, for the amendment of the Act 7, Will 4, for the Regulation of Benefit Building Societies.—From Prisoners in the Queen's Bench Prison, for delaying the Operation of the Queen's Prison Act,—By Mr. Leader, from Cornhill, and Bishopsgate, London, for the Redemption of the Tolls of the Metropolitan Bridges.—From Wm. Holmes, against the Municipal Corporations Bill-By Captain Pechell, from Mrs. Forbes, that her Husband, who had become Insane in the Naval Service, ought to be supported at the Public Expense.—From Chowbent within Atherton, for the Substitution of Affirmations in lieu of Oaths.—From Lochgarron, for Ameliorating the Condition of Burgh and Parochial Schoolmasters in Scotland.—From Glasgow, for Abolition of Church Patronage (Scotland).—From Dudley, for the putting down the Truck System.—From John Murray, against restoring Mr. Oliver's Pension.—By Mr. Ainsworth, from Thornten, Wilsden, Idle, Rawdon, Bradford, and Caverly (9 petitions), against the Mines and Collieries Bill.