§ Mr. Thesigerbegged to ask the chairman of the Southampton election committee, whether it was his intention to make any motion that evening with respect to the witness in custody named William Rouse Mabson.
§ Mr. Redingtonsaid, that last night he had declared his willingness, if anything should occur to clear up the transaction in which the witness William Rouse Mabson had been concerned with respect to the papers and documents not produced by him before the committee, to move that he be discharged. It appeared, that as an inducement to follow this course, hopes had been held out that these parties would be brought before the committee, one of whom, it was stated, was the person who had delivered up the papers. He had communicated with the solicitors, who had proposed the bringing forward of these parties to see if what was said was true; but as nothing satisfactory had resulted, he should not be discharging his duty if he were to say otherwise than that he could not move for the discharge of the witness at present, however much he might regret the circumstances by which the witness would be confined for three days more.
§ Mr. Thesigergave notice, that at the next meeting of the House, he should move that William Rouse Mabson be discharged from the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms.