§ Sir C. Napierwished to know from the Secretary 1129 of the Admiralty, whether orders had been sent out to receive Mr. M'Leod on board one of her Majesty's ships, in case of his acquittal. He understood, that considerable excitement prevailed in America upon this subject, and he thought, that steps ought to be taken to protect Mr. M'Leod.
§ Sir R. Peelsaid, he was sure, that the gallant Admiral must feel, that it would not be proper for her Majesty's Government, at this moment, to be called on to give information as to what steps would be taken in case of a certain contingency in which Mr. M'Leod might be involved. On consideration, he was sure, it would occur to the gallant Admiral, that it would not be right to press for an answer.
§ Subject at an end.