§ Petitions Presented. By Mr. Thomas Duncombe, from William Ashurst and others, for a Tax on Property.— From Meetings held in the West Riding of York, Leeds, and Sheffield, for the abolition of the Silent System of Prison Discipline; from London, for Inquiry into the Anatomy Act; from Leeds, Pershore, and individuals, for Universal Suffrage &c.; and from Mr. Templer, for the equalisation of the Stamp Duties.— By Dr. Bowring, from Dublin, and an individual for the abolition of Slavery.— By Mr. Ferrand, from an individual, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.— By Mr. Hawes, from Dunstable, and Northampton; by Mr. Cobden, from Eccles, and other places, and by Mr. W. Ellis, from Leicester, for the Repeal of the Com-laws. — By Mr. W. Patton, from Magistrates of Lancashire, relating to County Rates.— By Mr. Hindley, from Warrington, for vote by Ballot By Mr. M. J. O'Connell, to abolish Declarations on Oath against Popery.— By Mr. Lyall, from the county of Charlotte, New Brnnswick, against alteration in the Timber Duties, — By Mr. Cobden, from H. Holland, for inquiry into the influence of the price of food, on disease and mortality.— By Mr. Cresswell, from Liverpool, for inquiry into the most eligible station for West India Mail Packets.— By Mr. Wakley, from William Morris, for Inquiry into his Dynamic Engines; and from Mr. Webb, for Inquiry into the Prevention of Railway Accidents By Mr. P. M. Stewart, from Paisley; by Mr. Yorke, from York; and Mr. Cobden, from Woodley, for inquiry into Public Distress. — By Mr. Sheil, from Thomas Steele, for Abolition of Coronation Oath, relating to Roman Catholics.