HC Deb 25 February 1841 vol 56 cc1022-3
Sir E. Sugden

said that the noble Lord (Lord J. Russell) had given notice of his intention to proceed to-morrow first with the Customs Duties Bill and secondly with the County Courts Bill. Now, he had not the least objection to the noble Lord's proceeding with the first bill, but with regard to the County Courts Bill, he thought that it ought not to be proceeded with until the Local Courts Bill was before the House. Should it be proposed to proceed with that bill to-morrow, he should feel it his duty to move that it be read a second time that day four months.

Lord John Russell

said, that he meant to propose Lord Keane's annuity bill as the first Order of the Day to-morrow, and then to take the bill for the equalization of the duties on East-India rum. He could not speak with certainty as to the other orders being proceeded with, for that entirely depended on whether there should be sufficient time for taking them into consideration.

Sir E. Sugden

said he must object to proceeding with the County Courts Bill until the Local Courts Bill should be before the House. Many Members had prepared themselves under the idea that the two bills were to be discussed together, and as they both formed part of one great measure he should certainly object to proceeding with the one without the other.

Sir Robert Peel

thought the noble Lord had misunderstood his right hon. and learned Friend. He did not press the noble Lord to fix the exact precedence in which the orders should be taken, but he merely stated his opinion that, as there were two bills on the same subject, one of which was printed and the other was not, it would be better not to proceed with the discussion of the first bill until the second should be printed, so that the Members might have the whole subject before them ere they proceeded to debate it; and he accordingly requested the noble Lord to postpone the consideration of the one bill until the other should be printed. This was a request so reasonable in itself, that he felt convinced that when the discussion came on to-morrow the noble Lord would accede to it; and he thought it would be much better the noble Lord should at once say, that he would not proceed with the bill to-morrow.

Mr. Fox Maule

thought, that when the question came on he should be able to show the House sufficient reason for proceeding with the second reading.

Subject at an end.