HC Deb 02 February 1841 vol 56 c181
Captain Polhill

said, that as he had not received a satisfactory answer from the noble Lord, to the question addressed to him on a former occasion, he hoped the noble Lord would now give him one. The question he had to put was, whether her Majesty's Government was aware of a letter addressed to T. M. Ray, Esq., dated Buckingham Palace, Jan. 20, 1841, and signed G. E. Anson, containing the sincere thanks of Prince Albert to the Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland, for their address to his Royal Highness on the birth of a princess.

Lord J. Russell

said, that since the hon. Gentleman had asked the former question, he had seen the letter alluded to in a newspaper, but he had not thought it necessary to make any inquiry on the subject.