§ Bills. Read a first time:—Apothecaries Hall (Dublin); Population (Ireland); Prisons (Ireland); Insolvent Debtors (Ireland); Assessed Taxes Composition; Court of Exchequer (Ireland).—Read a third time:—Episcopal Church (Scotland).
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. Williams, Mr. Easthope, and other Members, from a number of places, for the Immediate Abolition of Church Rates.—By Viscount Sandon, from a' Baptist Congregation, against the Opium War with China; and from Boatmen of the Trent and Mersey Canal Company, for a better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Mr. Grimsditch, from Leddington, and other places in Derbyshire, against the Canal Carriers Bill.—By Mr. William Roche, from Medical Practitioners of Li- 523 merick, for Remuneration for Professional Attendance in Courts of Justice By Mr. Greene, from Bolton, and other places in Lancashire, against the powers of the Poor-law Commissioners.—By Mr. C. B. Hamilton, from the Headington Union, to dispense with the services of the Assistant Poor-law Commissioners.—By Mr. Wakley, from Lincoln, Stepney, and other places, against the Copyright Bill; from the Committee of the Working Men's Association of St. Andrew's, and from Nottingham, for the Release of Mr. Feargus O'Connor; from a Public Meeting at Dunfermline, for the Pardon of all persons convicted of Political Offences; and from Medical Practitioners, for Medical Reform.—By Colonel Salwey, from a Gas Company of Ludlow, against the Rating of Stock in Trade Bill.—By Mr. O'Connell, from Physicians and Surgeons of the north of Ireland, for Reform of the Apothecaries' Company of Dublin; and from the Victuallers of Dublin, for Justice to Ireland By Mr. Sergeant Jackson, from different parts of Ireland, against the National system of Education.—By Sir James Graham, from the Manchester and Leeds Railway, against the Canal Carriers' Bill.—By Colonel Conolly, from Armagh, against the Poor-law Commissioners in Ireland—By Mr. Hume, from the House of Assembly of Prince Edward's Island, against Unequal Taxation; from Ayles-bury, Middlesex, Wick, and other places, against the Copyright Bill; from St. Andrew's, for Universal Suffrage, Vote by Ballot, and Annual Parliaments; and from Montrose, to alter the Laws with respect to Political Offenders.—By Mr. Gillon, from 400 Congregations at Edinburgh, against Church Extension.—By Sir R. Peel, from Southend, in favour of the Church of Scotland Benefices Bill.—By Mr. Scrope, from the Proprietors of the Great Western Railway, against the Railways Bill.—By Viscount Morpeth, from places in the West Riding of Yorkshire, against Church Extension.—By Mr. Leader, from Bath, for Extension of the Suffrage, for the Discharge of Feargus O'Connor, and complaining of the conduct of certain Magistrates.—By Mr. Baines, from the Grand Junction Railway, and from the Leeds and Selby Railway, against the Railways Bill.