HC Deb 01 March 1839 vol 45 c1047

Bills. Read a first time:—Double and Treble Costs; County Courts; District Sessions; Borough Courts; Transfer of Aids.

Petitions presented. By Mr. C. C. CAVENDISH, from the Magistrates of East Sussex, for Amending the Beer Act.—By Sir R. BATESON, from Dublin, against the Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Bill.—By Sir S. GLYNNE, from places in North Wales, against the Appropriation of Ecclesiastical Revenues to other purposes.—By Captain WEMYSS, from Fife, against any further Grants to the Church of Scotland.—By Mr. BROADLEY, from a place in Yorkshire, against Idolatrous Practices in India; and from the same place, for Protection to the Established Church in Canada.—By Mr. COLQUHOUN, from twenty Parishes in Scotland, for Church Extension; and against any further Grant to Maynooth College,—By Mr. BEAMISH, from Cork, for Municipal Reform.—By Mr. CURRY, from Armagh, for a general system of Railways by the Government—By Mr. HUME, from Lyme Regis, for the Abolition of Ecclesiastical Courts.—By Mr. MAKER, from New Ross, for a real Union, and Equality of Civil Rights.—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from several places, to the same effect—By Mr. O'CONNELL., from Dublin, for placing the Management of Irish Railways into the hands of Government—By Mr. W. ROCHE, from Limerick, for Encouragement to Irish Railways.—By Mr. LASCELLES, from Wakefield, against the present state of the Law for the Recovery of Debts.—By Mr. PRINGLE, from Mid Lothian and Selkirk, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By Messrs. C. C. CAVENDISH, DARBY, PRINGLE, GASKELL, and Lords INGESTRIE, and ASHLEY, from several places, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. WALLACE, and Mr. STRUIT, from several places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Sir R. INGLIS. from Canterbury, and another place, against the Ecclesiastical Revenues and Duties Bill.—By Mr. HAWES, from a number of Persons, in favour of the Oaths and Affirmations Bill.