§ Petitions presented. By Lord JERMYN, from forty Clergymen of the Established Church, by Mr. DUGDALE, Mr. WILSON PATTEN, and by Sir R. INGLIS, from Shrewsbury, and other places, against the abolition of the See of Sodor and Man.—By Mr. HANDLEY, from the Postmasters on the great northern road, praying for a reduction of the Post-horse duty.—By Mr. GRIMSDITCH, from Macclesfield, by Mr. TURNER, by Lord F. EGERTON, and by Mr. EGERTON, from Cheshire, against the New Poor-law.—By Sir G. STRICKLAND, from Bradford, by Mr. G. WOOD, by Mr. ALSTON, by Mr. W. A. WILLIAMS, 8 from various places, and by Lord SANDON, from Liverpool, for the abolition of Negro Apprenticeship.—By Mr. J. O'CONNELL, from places in Kerry, against several clauses of the Irish Poor-law Bill.—By Mr. ELLICE, from places in Fifeshire, against any further grant of money to the Church of Scotland.—By Mr. WILBERFORCE, from Hull for a reduction of the duty on Marine Insurances.