§ Bills. Read a third time:—Exchequer Bills; Transfer of Aids.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. HALSE, from St. Ives, and by Mr. GLADSTONE, from Newark, against the Boundaries Bill. —By Mr. GRIMSDITCH, from Macclesfield, and two other places, and by Mr. GODSON, from Kidderminster, against the New Poor-law.—By Mr. GLADSTONE, from Coventry, for a system of National Education.—By Mr. BANNERMAN, from Aberdeen, by Mr. C. W. D. DUNDAS, from Flintshire, by Sir R. FERGUSON, from Nottingham, and by Mr. GILLON, from Strathaven, for the Ballot.—By Sir G. STRICKLAND, from Barnsley, by Mr. Pease, from Kerby-Lonsdale, and four other places in Durham, and by Mr. VILLIERS, from Worcester and Stafford, for the abolition of Negro Slavery.—By Mr. LITTON, from persons holding office in Dublin, for compensation should the Irish Municipal Bill become law.—By Mr. SERJEANT JACKSON, from some Baronies in Cork, to prevent the interference of Catholic Priests at Elections.