HC Deb 06 February 1837 vol 36 c204

Mr. Wortley moved for leave to bring in a Bill, providing that, in certain cases, the Recorders of any city or borough-town shall beat liberty to divide his court. The hon. Member said, some measure was necessary to obviate some inconveniences as regarded the administration of justice under the late Municipal Corporations' Act. In many cases, the sessions in cities and borough-towns, at which the Recorder presided, occupied so long a time as to cause considerable loss of time to the jurors, and additional expense, on account of witnesses. The Bill he proposed to introduce would merely give to the Recorders of cities and borough-towns, the same power which, under the 59 Geo. 3rd. c. 2. was given to the chairman of quarter sessions, who, when the sessions occupied more than three days, were at liberty to depute some of their own body, to sit in another Court, and thus divide the business. It would enable the Recorder of any city or borough-town, in case the sessions lasted a longer period than three days, to delegate a barrister of five years standing, to sit in a separate court for the dispatch of business.

Leave given. Bill brought in, and read a first time.