§ Bills. Read a third time:—Insolvent Debtors' (Ireland); Instruments of Sasine (Scotland); Turnpike Road (Scotland).
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. BARNARD and Sir WILLIAM FOLKES, from various Places, for the Repeal of the Duty on Newspapers.—By Sir WILLIAM FOLKES, from Norfolk, for Provision in the Tithes' Commutation Bill relative to the Fen Lands in the Bedford Level.—By several MEMBERS, from various Places, for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By Mr. POTTER, from Honiton, against the Lord's Day Bill.—By Mr. ELWES and other HON. MEMBERS, from various Places, for Inquiry into Agricultural Distress.—By Lord HENNIKER, from the Lords of Manors in Suffolk and Norfolk, against Copyholds, Manorial Boundaries, and Escheats Bill.—By Mr. W. MILES, from the Owners of Ecclesiastical Property in Somersetshire, against the Ecclesiastical Leases' Bill.—By several HON. MEMBERS, from various Places, against the Bishopric of Durham Bill.—By the ATTORNET-GENERAL, and Lord STANLEY, from the Licensed Vendors of Spirits in various Places, for the Repeal of the Duty on Licences. —By Major C. BRUCE, from Inverness, Complaining of the Expense incurred by Alimenting Prisoners after Condemnation.—By Colonel SEAL, from Brixham, for the Repeal of the Horse-tax.—By Mr. BROTHERTON, from 515 Preston, for the Amendment of the Factories' Act—By Mr. INGHAM, from the Parish Clerks of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for Provision for their Support in the Marriages Bill.—By Mr. INGHAM and Mr. CLAY, from North and South Shields, for a Law Regulating the Construction of Merchant Shipping.—By Mr. WOOD and Dr. BALDWIN, from Whitehaven and Cork, for the Repeal of the Duty on Marine Insurances.—By Dr. BALDWIN and Mr. SHARMAN CRAWFORD, from various Places, for the Abolition of Tithes (Ireland); and from various other Places, for the Alteration of Bankrupts' (Ireland) Bill.—By Sir ROBERT PRICE, from Ross, in favour of Mr. BUCKINGHAM'S Claim.—By Mr. PEASE, from the Provident Society, Fetter Lane, for the Repeal of the Friendly Society's Act.—By Mr. ROBERT WALLACE, from Owners of Works on the River Esk, against the Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Bill, Complaining of Distress; and from the Merchants of Edinburgh, for the Acceleration of the Mail to that Place.—By Dr. BALDWIN, from Cork, praying the House not to sanction the grinding of Foreign Corn in this Kingdom.—By Lord GRANVILLE SOMERSET, from Newport, Monmouth, for the Suppression of Beer Shops.— By Mr. CHARLES ROSS, from Northampton, for the Repeal of the Duty on Fire Insurances.—By Lord ROBERT GROSVENOR, from Chester, against transferring the Business of the Local Courts to London.— By the ATTORNEY-GENERAL, from the Company of Merchants, Edinburgh, for the Reduction of the Stamp Duties.—By Lord Viscount CLEMENTS, from various Places, for the Speedy Completion of the Shannon Navigation.