HC Deb 12 May 1835 vol 27 c1025

New Writs ordered. For Stroud, in the room of Colonel Fox, who accepted the Chiltern Hundreds; for the County of Kildare, in the room of RICHIRD MORE O'FERRALL, Esq., appointed one of the Lords of the Treasury; for the Southern Division of the County of Stafford, in the room of the Right Hon. E. J. LITTLETON, (called to the House of Peels as Lord HATHERTON); (for Malton, in the room of Sir CHARLES PEPYS, the Chief Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal; and for Poole, in the room of Sir JOHN BYNG, (called to the House of Peers as Baron STRAFFORD).

Petitions presented. By Mr. OSWALD, Dr. BOWRING, Lord STANLEY, Mr. ALSAGER, and Mr. W. CAMPBELL, from a Number of Congregations and Places in Scotland,—against any Grant to the Church of Scotland—By Dr. BOWRING, from Kilmarnock, in favour of such a Grant.—By Mr. OSWALD, from Glasgow, to remove the (late) Ministers from Office.—By Lord STANLEY and Mr. W. CAMPBELL, from Southampton, Gosport, Lorn, and other Places—for Protection to the Church of Ireland.—By Lord STANLEY, from Glasgow, in favour of General Education; and from the University of Glasgow, for a Reformation of the Scotch Universities.—By Sir HEDWORTH WILLIAMSON, from North Durham, for Relief to Agriculture.—By Mr. PEASE and Mr. WEYLAND, from Licensed Victuallers of Wallington, Darlington, Dover, and other Places, for the Repeal of the Additional Duty on Spirit Licenses.—By Mr. BLACKBURNE, from Huddersfield, against the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt Bill.—By Mr. DOBBIN, from Solicitors of Southampton, against the Ecclesiastical Courts' Bill.—By Mr. J. E. VIVIAN, for restraining the Application of Oaths.