§ MINUTES. Petitions presented. By Mr. Sergeant JACKSON, from the Solicitors and Attornies of Ireland, for the Repeal of the Landed Securities (Ireland) Act—By Colonel EVANS, from the Westminster Court of Requests.—By Sir WILLIAM FOLLETT, from Exeter, and by Mr. GRIMSTONE, from St. Alban's, against the Imprisonment for Debt Bill.—By Mr. Sergeant JACKSON, from four Places, for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By Colonel BOLTON CLIVE, from Hereford, for the Suppression of Drunkenness; from St. Peter's, Hereford, for making the Owners instead of Occupiers of small Tenements pay Parochial Rates—By Mr. WILLIAM ROCHE, from Limerick, for the Reduction of the Duty on Glass.—By Mr. A. TREVOR, from Hartlepool, for Protection to the Protestant Church of Ireland.—By Mr. ANGERSTEIN, from Greenwich, for the Remission of the Sentence on the Dorchester Labourers—By Mr. GRIMSTON, from the Licensed Victuallers of Tring, Wilstone, and other Places, for the Repeal of the Additional Duty.—By Lord BRUDE-NELL, from three Places, for Protection to the Agricultural Interest.