§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. F. O'CONNOR, the Number of Persons committed to Prison for Non-payment of Fines imposed by Magistrates at Petty Sessions within the last Twelvemonths in, the County of Cork, and the Books in which all Cases determined at Petty Sessions in the West Riding of the County of Cork are entered, with the Names of the Magistrates usually attending.—On the Motion of Mr. FREDERICK SHAW, Statements relating to the Composition of Tithes under the 2nd and 3rd of William 4th, cap. 119.
§ Bill. Read a second time:—Starch Duties,
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. INGHAM, from the Shipowners of south Shields, for an Inquiry into the Cause: and 2 Extent of the Distress of the Shipping Interest.—By Mr. W. GLADSTONE, from Edinburgh, against the Immediate Abolition of Slavery.—By Mr. HUME Mr. J. FENTON, and Mr. BRISCOE from several Places,—against Slavery. By Colonel WOOD, from Criekhowell, for the Repeal of the Sale of Beer Act.—By Sir W. INGILBY from Gains-borough, for granting to the Inhabitants the Right to Elect their own Municipal and Local Authorities.—By Mr. AGLIONNBY from Hannington, against the Renewal of the East-India Charter.—By Mr. HUMR, from several Places in Ireland, against Tithes and Church Rates; from Halt, against the Lord's Day Observance Bill; and from Inver-berry, for Alterations in the Royal Burghs (Scotland) Bill.