HC Deb 06 June 1833 vol 18 cc387-8

Papers ordered. On the Motion of Mr. COLQUHOUN, an Account of the Amount and Yearly Value of the Unexhausted Funds in each of the Parishes in Scotland, what part of them is allotted to the Minister of each Parish, and to whom the rest belongs.—On the Motion of Mr. DIVETT, an Account of the total Amount of Public Money Expended for, and under the direction of, the Charities Commissioners, since their Appointment under the Act of 1st and 2nd William 4th, cap. 34; and of the Number of Days each Commissioner has been Employed in the Business of the Commis- sion during the same period, and the Salaries they have received.—On the Motion of Colonel EVANS, an Account of the Number of Stamps issued to all the London Newspapers, from January, 1832, to the end of the last quarter.—On the Motion of Mr. Serjeant PERRIN, the Numcer of Persons Licensed in Ireland to sell Spirits by Retail to be consumed on the Premises or not: also an Account of the Salaries and Fees received by the Magistrates of the Dublin Police.—On the Motion of Mr. JAMES TALBOT, an Account of the total Amount of Property vested in the Corporation of Athlone by Royal Grant, Custom, or Charter: also the Names and Abodes of all Tenants, Lessees, and other Persons deriving any Estates or Interests under the said Corporation: also of the Money received by the Corporation since the year 1800, by Right or Claim of any Toll, Custom, Duty, &c, and the Appropriation of the same.—On the Motion of Mr. JAMES, an Account of the Number of Persons resident within the City and Borough of Carlisle Assessed to the House-duty, in the years 1832, and 1833, for Premises of the yearly value of between 10l. and 15l. inclusive, and who were not so Rated at the beginning of the said period.—On the Motion of Sir THOMAS FREREMANTLE, an Account of the Officers and Clerks Employed in the Navy Pay Office Establishment, on the 5th of April, 1852, with the Name, Length of Service, and Salary of each; the same, for the 5th April, 1833: and of all Persons introduced, since 5th April, 1832, stating from whence, the Office he holds, his Salary, &c.—On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICES, au Account of the Places, where united, or Joint Stock Banks have been Established under the Act 7th George 4th, cap. 46, with the Number of Partners therein, since 25th May, 1832.

Bill. Read a third time:—Consolidated Fund.

Petitions presented. By Mr. ROBINSON, from the Shipowners of Brixham, to be Relieved from the heavy Charges of Pilotage.—By Mr. GEORGE F, YOUNG, from the Ports of London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, against the Registry of Vessels Bill; from the Shipowners of London and Scarborough, for the Reduction of the Duty on Marine Insurances; and from certain Carmen depending on the Prosperity of the Sugar Refiners, for Relief to the Sugar Refining Trade.—By Colonel Fox, from Welchmen resident in London, for an Improvement of the Established Church in Wales.—By Mr. HENRY GRATTAN, from the Electors of the County of Meath, for an Alteration in the Reform of Parliament (Ireland) Act.—By Mr. WIGNKY, from Brighton, in favour of the Justices of the Peace Bill.—By Mr. BRTKCOB, from Croydon, against the Punishment of Death for all offences against Property; and from the Society for Promoting Rational Humanity towards the Animal creation, for the Removal of Smithfield Market, and the Establishment of four or five Cattle Markets, and Abattoirs, outside of the Metropolis.—By Mr. JOHN PARKER, from Sheffield, for a Removal of the Civil Disabilities of the Jews.—By the SOLICITOR GENERAL, from Dudley, for the Repeal of the Septennial Act, and for Vote by Ballot; also from the Baptists of the same Place, for Relief to the Dissenters with respect to Marriages, Registration, and Church Rates; also for a Repeal of the Duties on all Newspapers and Advertisements.—By Mr. HALCOMB, from the Rate-payers of the Liberty of the Rolls, for a Repeal of the House and Window Taxes.—By Mr. W. H. WYNDSAM, from the Hundred of Diss; and by Sir WILLIAM INGILBY, from Chichester,—for the Repeal of the Malt Tax.—By Mr. W. H. WYNDHAM, from Trunch and Girningham, for Laws to Ensure the Better Observance of the Lord's Day; from the Tile Makers of the Eastern Division of the County of Norfolk, for a Drawback of the Duties for the Stock in hand; and from the Journeymen Weavers of Wymondham, for Relief, and Restrictions upon the use of Machinery—By Sir R. BATESON, from the Fishermen of Carrickfergus, against the Disfranchisement Bill of that Borough.—By Mr. WILSON PATTEN, from the Clergy of Lancaster, for the Repeal of the Sale of Beer Act—By Sir ROBERT BATESON, Mr. SHAW, and Mr. W. H. WYNDHAM, from several Places,—against Slavery.—By Mr. PEASE and Mr. TAYLEURE, from several Places,—against the General Register of Deeds Bill.—By Mr. PHILPOTTS, from Gloucester, for the privilege of Electing their own Corporate officers and for Amending the Act 41st George 3rd.—By Mr. CLAY, from several Trades in the City of London, for Relief to the Sugar Refiners; and from the Shipwrights of the Thames, respecting the Repairs of Ships, and the Duties affecting them.