HC Deb 16 February 1832 vol 10 c410

New Writ ordered. A new Writ was ordered for the Borough of Tregony, in the room of Colonel CHARLES ARBUTHNOT, who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. Alderman WOOD, of the total Number of Attorneys admitted to practise in the Court of Exchequer, who had been previously admitted to practise in the other Courts of Westminster:—On the Motion of Sir HENRY WILLOUGHBY, the Amount of Assessed Taxes, &c., levied in the Parishes of St. Saviour's, Petroa, and Townstal, in the Town of Dartmouth, in 1829, 1830, and 1851:—On the Motion of Mr. JOHN STANLEY, of all Raw, Thrown, and Manufactured Silks, Imported into, and Exported from this Country, and brought into Consumption, from January 5th, 1830, to January 5th, 1831; distinguishing the different descriptions of Silk, whence Imported, and Amount of Duty; also the Amount of Drawback on the Exportation of British Silk Manufactured Goods for the year ending 5th January, 1831, distinguishing the Species; also all Foreign Manufactured Silk Imported without Payment of Duty, for the purpose of undergoing some process of Manufacture or Printing, &c, on condition of being afterwards Exported, in the year ended January 5th, 1831, distinguishing the different descriptions of Silk; the total quantities of Raw and Waste Silk entered for Home Consumption in Great Britain and Ireland, in each year, from 1814, to 1828, inclusive; distinguishing the Sorts, &c.

Petitions presented. By Mr. JAMES GRATTAN, from Catholic Inhabitants of Dunlavan, Donard, Donoughmore, and Ballynakill, for the Abolition of the Tithe System; and from the Guild of Tanners in Galway, for Provision in the Reform Bill, for the peculiar Franchise, of that place to be preserved.