HC Deb 14 March 1831 vol 3 cc439-40
Mr. G. Robinson

moved an Address to his Majesty for the production of the Papers relative to the dispute between this country and the United States of America, with respect to the boundary-line between the English Colonies in North America, and the United States, and for the production of the decision of the king of Holland upon this subject, which had been referred to his arbitration. The hon. Member stated, that it was generally understood that that sovereign had lately decided the question, and that the United States refused to abide by the verdict of the arbitrator.

Lord Palmerston

opposed the Motion, on the ground that the transaction was yet incomplete. He must state to the House, that the papers could not, in the present state of the transaction, be safely granted.

Mr. G. Robinson

said, that he was convinced the fact was, that the decision had been unfavourable to the United States, and that the Government had been weak enough to allow it to be referred back to the United States. He should not press his Motion.

The Motion negatived.