HC Deb 23 March 1830 vol 23 c781

His Lordship also obtained leave to bring in Bills to consolidate and amend the laws respecting Tolls and Customs in Ireland, and to regulate the importation of Arms into that country. The Illusory Appointments Bill was read a third time and passed. Returns Ordered. On the Motion of Mr. WARD, of all Fines imposed during the last three years on Dealers in Foreign Wines:—On the Motion of Mr. HUME, of all sums expended on the Bridge, Harbour, or other Public Works of Londonderry since 1814, specifying the dates, and all other particulars necessary for the information of the House: of all Officers who had been dismissed the service without trial by Courts-martial since 1827. together with returns of all general regimental and district Courtsmartial held from 1820 to 1829:—On the Motion of Sir THOMAS FREEMANTLE, of the total quantity of Butter imported between 1801 and 1830 inclusive, distinguishing the countries it came from; and of the foreign Cutter and Cheese imported during the two last years:—On the Motion of Mr. JEPHSON, Copy of Correspondence between the Commissioners of Charities and the Trustees of Morden College:—On the Motion of Mr. BERNAL, of the sums received by the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond, under the Act of the 6th of Geo. 4th cap. 125, sec. 4, with a list of the names of riser pilots:— On the Motion of Sir HENRY PARNELL., in consequence of Lord L. Gower having intimated his intention to bring in a Bill on the subject of the Fisheries, of all sums of Money expended on the Fisheries of Great Britain for each of the last five years, together with the Expenses of the Establishments connected with them. Petitions presented. Praying for the abolition of Slavery, by Sir JOHN WROTTRSLEY, from the Protestants of Hanley and Lane End, Staffordshire. For a reform in the Administration of the Laws, by Mr. HUME, from the inhabitants of Carlisle. For the abolition of the East India ' Company's Monopoly, by Mr. Hume, from the inhabitants of Wootton-under-Edge, and from the Clothing Districts of Batley and Soothill, Yorkshire:—By Sir JOHN LOWTHER, from the inhabitants of Carlisle. For the removal of impediments to the cultivation of Anatomy, by Mr. WARBURTON, from the Surgeons and Physicians of Sheffield.

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