Commons Sitting of 23 March 1830 Series 2 Vol. 23

  1. MINUTES. 33 words
  2. c781
  3. The Act was only intended, his Lordship explained, to continue those Bounties for the present Session. 377 words
  4. cc781-2
  5. The hon. Member said, that his opinions on the subject were unchanged, and his only reason for not renewing the Bill of last Session was, that he hoped a measure would be introduced in the other House, so as to get rid of some of the obstacles which had proved fatal to his Bill in that House. 17 words
  6. c782
  7. The hon. Baronet bore testimony to the respectability of the Petitioners, and urged upon the House the necessity of effecting a reform in the representation of the people. 12 words
  8. c782
  9. In this prayer the hon. Member said, he heartily joined, though he had no wish to unsettle the Administration. 24 words
  10. c782
  11. Mr. S. Lumley supported the prayer of the Petition. 298 words
  12. cc782-4
  13. EMIGRATION. 681 words
  14. cc784-5
  15. VOTING BY BALLOT. 317 words
  16. cc785-7
  17. SURREY PETITION. 844 words
  18. cc787-8
  19. DOUBLE PUNISHMENT. 580 words
  20. cc789-827

Lords Sitting of 23 March 1830 Series 2 Vol. 23

  1. MINUTES. 172 words
  2. cc737-80
  3. AFFAIR AT TERCEIRA. 18,158 words
  4. cc780-1
  5. PROTEST—TERCEIRA. 192 words, 1 division