§ The Deputy Clerk of the Crown attended, to amend the Return for Wexford, inserting, instead of the name of Sir ROBERT WIGRAM, that of Sir EDWARD DESRING,—The Annual Indemnity Bill was read a First time.
§ Returns were presented, of the several Informations filed by the Attorney General, against Mr. ALEXANDER, the Editor of the Morning Journal:—And of all Suits commenced in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster; wherein the venue was laid in Wales.
§ Returns were ordered, on the Motion of MR. HUME, of the Sums received, on account of the Fee Fund in the Court of Session in Scotland, and how appropriated.
§ Petitions were presented, against the renewal of the East-India Company's Charter—by Mr. BATLRY, from the inhabitants of Beverley:—By Mr. HUME, from the Merchants and others of Aberdeen:—By Lord MILTON*, from the Merchants and Manufacturers of Huddersfield, Halifax, and Bradford, Yorkshire:—By Mr. MARSHALL, from Selby, Yorkshire:—by MR. W. DUNCOMBE, from the inhabitants of Churwell and Beeston:—By Lord STANLRY, from Rochdale:—Ami by MR. DICKENSON, from Frome, in Somersetshire. Praying for the Repeal of the Sub-letting Acts in Ireland, for a Composition of Tythes, and for a Repeal of the Vestry Act—by Mr. O'CONNELI, from several Parishes in Ireland:—By Mr. OTWAY CAVE, from Carrick-on-Suir. Praying for the Repeal of the Assessed Taxes—by Mr. SYKES, from the inhabitants of Kings-ton-upon-Hull:—By the same Gentleman, from the same place, praying for measures to enable Creditors more effectually to recover Small Debts. Against the Duty on Coals carried Coastwise—by Mr. HOLDSWORTH, from the inhabitants of Clifton, Dartmouth, Hardness: — By Colonel CRADOCK, from the inhabitants of Camelford. Praying for an Alteration of the Corn Laws—by Mr. SADLER, from JOHN WRIGHT, of Lenton-House, Nottingham. Praying for assistance to Emigrate—by Mr. W. HORTON, from the Emigration Society of Lanarkshire. Praying that the Poor-law Amendment Bill might not pass into a Law—by Sir M. W. RIDLKY, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne:—By Mr. SYKES, from the Guardians of the Poor at Hull. Against the Removal of the Hay-market Bill—by Mr. BYNG, from the Farmers and Hay-Salesmen, residing near the Metropolis: And from the Licensed Victuallers, residing in the Hay-market. Against throwing open the Retail Trade in Beer—By Lord EASTNOR. from the inhabitants of the City of Hereford. Praying for the Repeal of Capital Punishment in cases of Forgery—By Mr. PENDARVIS, from the inhabitants of Falmouth; And by Mr. CRIPPS, from the inhabitants of Cirencester. Praying for the Abolition of the plan of Paying Wages in Goods—By Sir CHRISTOPHER COLE, from certain Iron-Masters in Glamorgan:—By Mr. WILMOT HORTON, from New castle-under-Lyne: And by Mr. W. SMITH, from the Ministers of the Wesleyan Persuasion, in the neighbourhood of Dudley, Complaining of Distress, and Praying for Relief—By Mr. FOUNTAYNE WILSON, from the inhabitants of Marrick, in the County of York:—By sir W. HEATHCOTE, from the Freeholders of Hampshire, and from the inhabitants of several parishes in Hampshire: By Colonel LYGON', from the Grand Jury of Worcester; and by Mr. W. DUNCOMBR, from the Agricultural Society of Holderness:— By Mr. ESTCOURT, from Dunsley. Praying for the Continuance of the Bounties on Fishing.—by Mr. O'CONNELL, from the Fishermen of Belfast. Praying for a Re-peal of the Duty on Malt, Hops, and Beer: And for a Reform in Parliament, by Sir JOHN SEBRIGHT, from the Freeholders of the County of Hereford:—By Lord Viscount MANDEVILLE, from persons in the neighbourhood of Huntingdon:—By Lord ALTHORP, from the Hundred of Humbleyard:—And by Mr. W. SMITH, from the Justices and others of the Comity of Ross: And praying for the Repeal of the Leather Tax, by Mr. O'CONNELL, from Kilkenny and Wexford.